reference.usp_PERSIST_RepoObject_reference_T - P

type: P ( stored procedure ), modify_date: 2022-09-05 18:23:34

RepoObject_guid: DA0785A9-5DF5-EB11-850C-A81E8446D5B0

uspgenerator_usp_id: 43



Example 1. Usage
EXEC [reference].[usp_PERSIST_RepoObject_reference_T]


  • @execution_instance_guid (uniqueidentifier)

  • @ssis_execution_id (bigint)

  • @sub_execution_id (int)

  • @parent_execution_log_id (bigint)

Procedure steps

uspgenerator_usp_id: 43

Table 1. Steps in [reference].[usp_PERSIST_RepoObject_reference_T]
Number Name (Action, Source, Target) Parent


truncate persistence target

  • D

  • [reference].[RepoObject_reference_T]

TRUNCATE TABLE [reference].[RepoObject_reference_T]


insert all

  • I

  • [reference].[RepoObject_reference]

  • [reference].[RepoObject_reference_T]

, [referencing_RepoObject_guid]
, [referenced_entity_name]
, [referenced_external_AntoraComponent]
, [referenced_external_AntoraModule]
, [referenced_is_external]
, [referenced_schema_name]
, [referenced_type]
, [referencing_entity_name]
, [referencing_external_AntoraComponent]
, [referencing_external_AntoraModule]
, [referencing_is_external]
, [referencing_schema_name]
, [referencing_type]
, [referencing_RepoObject_guid]
, [referenced_entity_name]
, [referenced_external_AntoraComponent]
, [referenced_external_AntoraModule]
, [referenced_is_external]
, [referenced_schema_name]
, [referenced_type]
, [referencing_entity_name]
, [referencing_external_AntoraComponent]
, [referencing_external_AntoraModule]
, [referencing_is_external]
, [referencing_schema_name]
, [referencing_type]

FROM [reference].[RepoObject_reference] AS S

Entity Diagram



Referencing Objects

Object Reference Diagram - 1 1


Object Reference Diagram - Referenced - 30 0


Object Reference Diagram - Referencing - 0 30



reference.usp_PERSIST_RepoObject_reference_T - P script
code of this procedure is managed in the dhw repository. Do not modify manually.
Use [uspgenerator].[GeneratorUsp], [uspgenerator].[GeneratorUspParameter], [uspgenerator].[GeneratorUspStep], [uspgenerator].[GeneratorUsp_SqlUsp]
CREATE   PROCEDURE [reference].[usp_PERSIST_RepoObject_reference_T]
----keep the code between logging parameters and "START" unchanged!
---- parameters, used for logging; you don't need to care about them, but you can use them, wenn calling from SSIS or in your workflow to log the context of the procedure call
  @execution_instance_guid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = NULL --SSIS system variable ExecutionInstanceGUID could be used, any other unique guid is also fine. If NULL, then NEWID() is used to create one
, @ssis_execution_id BIGINT = NULL --only SSIS system variable ServerExecutionID should be used, or any other consistent number system, do not mix different number systems
, @sub_execution_id INT = NULL --in case you log some sub_executions, for example in SSIS loops or sub packages
, @parent_execution_log_id BIGINT = NULL --in case a sup procedure is called, the @current_execution_log_id of the parent procedure should be propagated here. It allowes call stack analyzing

   @current_execution_log_id BIGINT --this variable should be filled only once per procedure call, it contains the first logging call for the step 'start'.
 , @current_execution_guid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = NEWID() --a unique guid for any procedure call. It should be propagated to sub procedures using "@parent_execution_log_id = @current_execution_log_id"
 , @source_object NVARCHAR(261) = NULL --use it like '[schema].[object]', this allows data flow vizualizatiuon (include square brackets)
 , @target_object NVARCHAR(261) = NULL --use it like '[schema].[object]', this allows data flow vizualizatiuon (include square brackets)
 , @proc_id INT = @@procid
 , @proc_schema_name NVARCHAR(128) = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(@@procid) --schema ande name of the current procedure should be automatically logged
 , @proc_name NVARCHAR(128) = OBJECT_NAME(@@procid)               --schema ande name of the current procedure should be automatically logged
 , @event_info NVARCHAR(MAX)
 , @step_id INT = 0
 , @step_name NVARCHAR(1000) = NULL
 , @rows INT

--[event_info] get's only the information about the "outer" calling process
--wenn the procedure calls sub procedures, the [event_info] will not change
SET @event_info = (
  SELECT TOP 1 [event_info]
  FROM sys.dm_exec_input_buffer(@@spid, CURRENT_REQUEST_ID())
  ORDER BY [event_info]

IF @execution_instance_guid IS NULL
 SET @execution_instance_guid = NEWID();
--SET @rows = @@ROWCOUNT;
SET @step_id = @step_id + 1
SET @step_name = 'start'
SET @source_object = NULL
SET @target_object = NULL

EXEC logs.usp_ExecutionLog_insert
 --these parameters should be the same for all logging execution
   @execution_instance_guid = @execution_instance_guid
 , @ssis_execution_id = @ssis_execution_id
 , @sub_execution_id = @sub_execution_id
 , @parent_execution_log_id = @parent_execution_log_id
 , @current_execution_guid = @current_execution_guid
 , @proc_id = @proc_id
 , @proc_schema_name = @proc_schema_name
 , @proc_name = @proc_name
 , @event_info = @event_info
 --the following parameters are individual for each call
 , @step_id = @step_id --@step_id should be incremented before each call
 , @step_name = @step_name --assign individual step names for each call
 --only the "start" step should return the log id into @current_execution_log_id
 --all other calls should not overwrite @current_execution_log_id
 , @execution_log_id = @current_execution_log_id OUTPUT
----you can log the content of your own parameters, do this only in the start-step
----data type is sql_variant

PRINT '[reference].[usp_PERSIST_RepoObject_reference_T]'
--keep the code between logging parameters and "START" unchanged!
----- start here with your own code
/*{"ReportUspStep":[{"Number":400,"Name":"truncate persistence target","has_logging":1,"is_condition":0,"is_inactive":0,"is_SubProcedure":0,"log_target_object":"[reference].[RepoObject_reference_T]","log_flag_InsertUpdateDelete":"D"}]}*/
PRINT CONCAT('usp_id;Number;Parent_Number: ',43,';',400,';',NULL);

TRUNCATE TABLE [reference].[RepoObject_reference_T]

-- Logging START --
SET @rows = @@ROWCOUNT
SET @step_id = @step_id + 1
SET @step_name = 'truncate persistence target'
SET @source_object = NULL
SET @target_object = '[reference].[RepoObject_reference_T]'

EXEC logs.usp_ExecutionLog_insert
 @execution_instance_guid = @execution_instance_guid
 , @ssis_execution_id = @ssis_execution_id
 , @sub_execution_id = @sub_execution_id
 , @parent_execution_log_id = @parent_execution_log_id
 , @current_execution_guid = @current_execution_guid
 , @proc_id = @proc_id
 , @proc_schema_name = @proc_schema_name
 , @proc_name = @proc_name
 , @event_info = @event_info
 , @step_id = @step_id
 , @step_name = @step_name
 , @source_object = @source_object
 , @target_object = @target_object
 , @deleted = @rows
-- Logging END --

/*{"ReportUspStep":[{"Number":800,"Name":"insert all","has_logging":1,"is_condition":0,"is_inactive":0,"is_SubProcedure":0,"log_source_object":"[reference].[RepoObject_reference]","log_target_object":"[reference].[RepoObject_reference_T]","log_flag_InsertUpdateDelete":"I"}]}*/
PRINT CONCAT('usp_id;Number;Parent_Number: ',43,';',800,';',NULL);

, [referencing_RepoObject_guid]
, [referenced_entity_name]
, [referenced_external_AntoraComponent]
, [referenced_external_AntoraModule]
, [referenced_is_external]
, [referenced_schema_name]
, [referenced_type]
, [referencing_entity_name]
, [referencing_external_AntoraComponent]
, [referencing_external_AntoraModule]
, [referencing_is_external]
, [referencing_schema_name]
, [referencing_type]
, [referencing_RepoObject_guid]
, [referenced_entity_name]
, [referenced_external_AntoraComponent]
, [referenced_external_AntoraModule]
, [referenced_is_external]
, [referenced_schema_name]
, [referenced_type]
, [referencing_entity_name]
, [referencing_external_AntoraComponent]
, [referencing_external_AntoraModule]
, [referencing_is_external]
, [referencing_schema_name]
, [referencing_type]

FROM [reference].[RepoObject_reference] AS S

-- Logging START --
SET @rows = @@ROWCOUNT
SET @step_id = @step_id + 1
SET @step_name = 'insert all'
SET @source_object = '[reference].[RepoObject_reference]'
SET @target_object = '[reference].[RepoObject_reference_T]'

EXEC logs.usp_ExecutionLog_insert
 @execution_instance_guid = @execution_instance_guid
 , @ssis_execution_id = @ssis_execution_id
 , @sub_execution_id = @sub_execution_id
 , @parent_execution_log_id = @parent_execution_log_id
 , @current_execution_guid = @current_execution_guid
 , @proc_id = @proc_id
 , @proc_schema_name = @proc_schema_name
 , @proc_name = @proc_name
 , @event_info = @event_info
 , @step_id = @step_id
 , @step_name = @step_name
 , @source_object = @source_object
 , @target_object = @target_object
 , @inserted = @rows
-- Logging END --

--finish your own code here
--keep the code between "END" and the end of the procedure unchanged!
--SET @rows = @@ROWCOUNT
SET @step_id = @step_id + 1
SET @step_name = 'end'
SET @source_object = NULL
SET @target_object = NULL

EXEC logs.usp_ExecutionLog_insert
   @execution_instance_guid = @execution_instance_guid
 , @ssis_execution_id = @ssis_execution_id
 , @sub_execution_id = @sub_execution_id
 , @parent_execution_log_id = @parent_execution_log_id
 , @current_execution_guid = @current_execution_guid
 , @proc_id = @proc_id
 , @proc_schema_name = @proc_schema_name
 , @proc_name = @proc_name
 , @event_info = @event_info
 , @step_id = @step_id
 , @step_name = @step_name
 , @source_object = @source_object
 , @target_object = @target_object